NORWESCAP Child and Family Resource Services
(908) 782-8183

NORWESCAP Child and Family Resource Services (CFRS) enhances the accessibility and quality of early care and education programs for the child care community. NORWESCAP CFRS implements child care subsidy programs in Hunterdon, Sussex, and Warren Counties.
Resource and Referral
The Resource and Referral Program provides FREE and confidential referral services for child care options. A Child Care Specialist can be reached during business hours or after business hours you can receive online referrals by clicking on the Search for Child Care link below:
NORWESCAP does not endorse or recommend any individual child care provider. We strongly encourage parents to visit and assess each site prior to their final selection of a child care provider
Available Child Care Options
- Licensed Child Care Center
- Registered Family Child Care Providers
- Head Start Programs
- School-Age Child Care Programs
- Nursery and Pre K Programs
- Summer Camps
If you have any complaints or concerns about a Licensed Child Care Center, please call the New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services, Office of Licensing at (877) 667-9845, or your local DYFS office. Child Care Inspection Reports are now online. The New Jersey Department of Children and Families has created a searchable online database of nearly 4,000 state-licensed child care centers, enabling parents to search for centers and access a center’s state inspection report.
Family Child Care Registration
NORWESCAP CFRS offers training to become a NJ registered family child care provider. The training is free and gives you the information needed to start your own home business. For more information call the CFRS office in your county.
Please feel free to download the Family Child Care Brochure here [download]
If you have any complaints or concerns about a Registered Family Child Care Provider in Hunterdon, Sussex, or Warren County, please call your local office. All complaints about Registered Family Child Care Providers may be called in anonymously.
Administration of Child Care Subsidy
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) Child Care Subsidy Basic eligibility for these programs include:- Participants are either currently receiving a welfare grant or have within the past two years.
- Participants receiving welfare must be in job search, CWEP (Community Work Experience) activity, or starting a job.
- Participants are eligible to receive TCC (Transitional Child Care) upon closed case due to earned income.
Meet income eligibility guidelines
Activities that include one of the following:
Working 30 hours per week; or
Taking 12 college credits; or
Attending 20 hours per week training or technical school; or
Combination of above to equal full-time participation of 30 hours
Training Opportunities for Early Childhood Professionals
To be included on NORWESCAP CFRS email list, please go to: You will receive information on upcoming professional development opportunities, news, and updates from the field employment opportunities.
NORWESCAP Child and Family Resource Services offer training to early childhood professionals in Hunterdon, Sussex, and Warren Counties. We offer a variety of training topics including child health & safety, child growth & development, curriculum, assessment & evaluation, professionalism, program management, and establishing relationships with families. All of which include hands-on activities with experienced trainers. We offer onsite training at your facility and monthly training at our offices. If you are interested in attending training, please contact the county where the training is occurring.
The link below will take you to all training in New Jersey where you can search by county: Training opportunities across the State of New Jersey
NORWESCAP CFRS also provides a valuable quarterly newsletter. Click here for the most recent copy.
Additional Services- Child Care Food Program
- Child Development Associate (CDA)
First Book Program
- Parent Education Programs
- Resource Library for Early Childhood
- Strengthening Families Initiative
Additional Information
Choosing A Child Care Program Care Givers/Teachers- Do the care givers/teachers get down on the child’s level to speak to the child?
- Have staff or caregiver participated in early childhood development classes?
- Will the care giver/teacher tell you what your child is doing everyday?
- Are your ideas welcome? Are there ways for you to get involved?
- Do the care givers/teachers and children enjoy being together?
- Is there enough staff to serve the children? (Ask NORWESCAP Child & Family Resource Services about the best staff/child ratios for different age groups).
- Is the atmosphere bright and pleasant?
- Is there an outdoor play area with a variety of safe equipment?
- Is their License or certificate posted?
- Do they have an emergency evacuation plan posted?
- Is there a daily balance of play time, story time, activity time and naptime?
- Are the activities right for each age group?
- Are there enough toys and learning materials for the number of children?
In General
- Do you agree with the disciplinary practices?
- Do you hear the sounds of happy children?
- Are children comforted when needed?
- Is the program licensed or regulated?
- Are you permitted to visit any time your child is present
If you have received NORWESCAP services that you are not satisfied with please contact the Administration office to receive a Participant Complaint Form at (908) 454-7000.
Age Groups |
Community Services |
Employment / TrainingFamily & Support ServicesSeasonal Programs |
Payment Options |
Areas Served |
Last Updated: 02/07/22